Taboo III: The Final Chapter, Full movie (1984)

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Description: While Barbara is ashamed of having had sex with her son, Joyce has completely accepted her-own incestuous side. When Barbara starts craving for her other son, she visits Joyce to seek advice only to find her in bed with her-own other son.
Scene Breakdowns

Scene 1. Kay Parker, Mike Ranger
Scene 2. Kristara Barrington, Pamela Mann, Blake Palmer
Scene 3. Pamela Mann, Jerry Butler
Scene 4. Lisa Lake, Blake Palmer
Scene 5. Honey Wilder, Blake Palmer
Scene 6. Lisa Lake, Jerry Butler
Scene 7. Honey Wilder, Kay Parker, Blake Palmer
Scene 8. Colleen Brennan, Angel West, Kristara Barrington, Lisa Lake, Misty Dawn, Pamela Mann, Blake Palmer, Craig Roberts, David Sanders, Jerry Butler, Rick Knutson, Ron Jeremy
Scene 9. Honey Wilder, Jerry Butler
Scene 10. Honey Wilder, Kay Parker, Marc Wallice
Scene 11. Kay Parker, Jerry Butler
Kirdy Stevens original Taboo sits as one of my favorite pornographic films of all time. Its eloquent and honest depiction of incest, in a way that's accessible and understandable to anyone willing to forgo judgment and willing to give it the time of day, is extraordinary, and, with the gorgeous Kay Parker at the center, the film helped pioneer the "MILF" and "mature" genres into mainstream pornography (it has taken many years, but now it there's a bigger interest in 'incest porn' as well). Stevens' sequel to the film, however, was a subpar example of a film that was never intended to exist, and the end result was a film so ordinary and lackluster that it stripped the taboo element away from the film, making it just another run-of-the-mill skinflick with little substance.

Taboo 3: The Final Chapter, even with its gaping plothole (I'll reserve my dirty pun here), is a lot of fun and returns to capturing the spirit of the original Taboo. The familiar characters are back, the combination of humor and guilt is embedded into the screenplay once more, and the sex is as filthy and taboo as ever. After taking timeout from her to focus on an entirely different family in Taboo II, our focus returns to Barbara Scott (Kay Parker), who's loneliness returns when her son Paul suddenly moves out, to which her focus becomes on her younger son Jimmy (Jerry Butler). Barbara finds herself increasingly jealous of Jimmy's girlfriend, similar to when she found Brian's girlfriend a simple tart that took him away from his mother in the original Taboo.

Barbara can't take her mind off of Jimmy, so she confides in her friend Joyce (Honey Wilder), who is having sex with younger son Brian (Blake Palmer) since Gregory is away. Barbara, who still has Paul on her mind, wants to try and seduce her son Jimmy, but her better judgment tells her not to after her obsession for Paul grew deeper and deeper when she began having sex with him. It doesn't help that Jimmy and Brian are both involved in a band that is struggling to get the attention of record labels in the meantime their mothers are making attempts to have sex with them.

Hormones flare, sex occurs between different parties (Joyce and Brian, Joyce and Jimmy, Barbara and Jimmy, etc), and the ominous but inviting title is earned for this film. The aforementioned plothole comes from the fact that neither Jimmy nor Brian were ever mentioned in either of the previous Taboo films by any character, evident that Stevens and the production company couldn't foresee the longevity of this franchise.

The sex in Taboo II reminded me a lot of the sex in Mona: The Virgin Nymph because, despite the raw and unadulterated subject matter, the sex was messily filmed, depressingly tame, and wholly unremarkable. With Taboo III, the romanticism between the characters is restored due to the fact that the characters work to rekindle the heart and soul they possessed in the first film, through honest conversations about love and emotions, and Stevens decides to make the film as explicit as the original. Almost every sex scene, from the casual fellatio to the compromising position that's everyone's favorite number, has a tender, romantic side to its eroticism, giving the film that extra edge.

However, this is where I depart on the Taboo train despite finding two-thirds of my ride successful. As of today, the Taboo franchise has extended itself to twenty-three films; maybe later on down the road I'll find myself perusing the other twenty films. The latter sequels, except for the fourth one, don't include Kay Parker, the heart and soul of the film, and after this particular endeavor, judging from stray clips I've seen of selected films, the focus becomes more on the sex than the themes of the story, as modern porno sequels usually do. There's a thinkpiece somewhere in all of this, and, like the twenty sequels I still have to get through, maybe one day I'll tackle it; I'll save that taboo for another day.
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