Bat Pussy, Uncensored (1973)

Views: 41 002
Description: "Bat Pussy" was lost to the ages until it was rediscovered by accident in the 1990s at the back of an old adult film theatre. Nobody knows who made it or exactly when (see the Wikipedia entry for what we do know). It is glorious though. Not only is it the earliest known porn parody film, but it's also been officially voted the worst adult film of all time.

Bat Pussy, a female superhero, defends Gotham City from a middle-aged couple making a pornographic film.
Reviews by the experts in porn:
The Snipe described Bat Pussy as “the boner-killer of all time[…] Only a psychopath or possibly a replicant could withstand let alone enjoy a document so barren or unflinching in its contempt for humanity”.
Radiation-Scarred Reviews wrote “This is the sort of sex film you show teenagers to encourage abstinence because it just makes the act of fornication seem so repulsive, so utterly disgusting that it seems unthinkable to perform”.
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knower of things
By knower of things - 6 months ago
that man is on more cocaine than columbia
By shtupp - 6 months ago
The best parts are when the woman laughs at the weird shit the guy says
By Anonymous - 6 months ago
"If I ever catch you fuckin' my kids you're dead motherfucker" is a strange bit of dialogue between the two leads in a porno during a "sex" scene
By papa-wad - 7 months ago
In the 70's people did drugs to forget this movie --- Not sure if midgets and clowns could have made this movie any better , and I hate midgets and clowns
By Rdbb - 8 months ago
Definitely lives up to the title of worst pornography, but it's still a very mesmerizing watch... Like how can they fuck up a fuck film this bad?
By Anonymous - 10 months ago
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