Dirty Model. From Color Climax Collection, scene 38 - (1970)

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Description: You can enjoy here a retro porn movie with the title "Dirty Model. From Color Climax Collection, scene 38". It's 6:26 long and was posted on allclassic.porn on 2021-08-04 10:21:43. The movie was shot in Denmark in Danish language by Color Climax in 1970. You can easily download it on any device or view this movie online for free.
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Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 2 months ago
The clip was much too short. Both women are great. As to the guy, the "Afro hair" and really full beard "was" the 60's and 70's. Don't forget: "Peace, love, freedom, and happiness" and "Make Love, not war" were the mantras back then. We can look back today and realize what a crock that really was. The Age of Aquarius did not live up to expectations we had. Bell bottom jeans, free love, Woodstock, Marijuana, and LSD failed to change anything.
By Tommo63 - 1 year ago
This was a really good little clip, shame it was so short. That bloke did well for himself in the 70s, he looks like a tramp but he got to fuck loads of attractive women, he's in so many of these films. The first girl was nice, but the second was a real beauty, very horny when she was bouncing on his cock, and she took it up the arse as well. Wish I knew who she was, like to see a lot more of her.
Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 2 months ago
Two thumbs up on that.
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