Heisse Lust Im Paradies, Full movie (1985)

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Description: AKA: Hardcore in the Canary Islands, L'île des jouissances sauvages [French original], Honeymoon in Paradise, Voluptés aux Canaries
When the car breaks down, a smuggling adventure turns into an orgy.
Valerie und Mark wollen ihre Flitterwochen auf Grand Canaria verbringen. Als das frisch verliebte Pdrchen ankommt, geht auch schon der erste Drger los. Man hat ihr Zimmer gleich zweimal vermietet. So bleibt den beiden nichts anderes brig, als sich ein abgeschiedenes Pldtzchen für das langersehnte Schdferstndchen zu suchen. Doch auf dieser geilen Insel lassen die Sexorgien mit anderen Urlaubern nicht lange auf sich warten
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Marilyn Jess, Jacky Arnal
Scene 2. Virginia Woodward, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 3. Michele Leska
Scene 4. Jessica Stehl, Michelle Davy
Scene 5. Michelle Davy, Andre Kay
Scene 6. Jessica Stehl, Michelle Davy, Andre Kay, Bertrand Corne
Scene 7. Melissa Bonsardo, Michele Leska
Scene 8. Carole Pierac, Melissa Bonsardo, Michele Leska, Andre Kay, Christoph Clark, guy, Patrick Marin, Piotr Stanislas
A young couple wants to honeymoon on a remote island. Ditzy travel agency clerk (Marilyn Jess, in a cameo) books them into Grand Canary. (Well, it's an island, isn't it?) Once there, they attempt to have sex without ever managing it and also encounter a group of miscellaneous characters, including freeloaders, vacationing models, and a strip joint owner -- not to mention an old German guy with a green plastic alligator and a pair of Speedos (hint, pal -- buy some boxer trunks! Everybody on the beach will say "Thanks"). Back home in Paris, there is a surprise ending.

The very attractive cast includes Michelle Leska, Christophe Clark, Jessy Gory, Michelle Davy, André Kay, and Marilyn Jess. Pic was shot back to back with DESERT LOVERS and features the same cast. You will see all the travel footage of Grand Canary you ever wanted and then some. The sex scenes are perfunctory, widely spaced, and uninvolved. The cast members phone it in and most should have given change back from their pay checks. Admittedly good-looking (shot on 35mm) picture rates about a 2 (out of 10) on the porno heat scale.

There is one exception. The opener, which follows peachy temp Marilyn Jess to her first day of work at the travel agency, is both cute and spicy. Then she books the honeymoon trip and we never see her again. They should have tossed the rest of the film and just added another 75 minutes of Marilyn on the job. It would probably have looked a lot like LUSTY BUSINESS but would have been much more ent
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