Le Sexe Qui Parle II / Pussy Talk 2, Full (1977)

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Description: Pussy Talk 2
The joyful sequel of Pussy Talk. The contagion is fast and has reached all layers of society. Interpreted by the beautiful and fascinating JENNY FEELING this exciting film, with no boundaries, lustful, has allowed the talented to FREDERIC LANSAC to meet a huge success it deserved when released.`
La suite jubilatoire du film Le Sexe qui Parle. La contagion est rapide et atteint toutes les couches de la societe… Interprete par la ravissante et fascinante JENNY FEELING ce film hors normes delirant, excitant, lubrique, et genial de FREDERIC LANSAC a rencontre l’immense succes qu’il meritait.
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. France Lomay, faceless guy
Scene 2. Gwenda Farnel, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 3. France Lomay, Richard Allan
Scene 4. Gwenda Farnel, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 5. Daniele Troeger, Richard Allan
Scene 6. Erika Cool
Scene 7. Jenny Feeling, Alban Ceray
Scene 8. Barbara Moose, Jenny Feeling, Alban Ceray
Scene 9. Liliane Lemieuvre, Lucie Doll, Alban Ceray, Richard Allan
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