Mädchen im Nachtverkehr / Night traffic girl, Uncensored (1976)

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Description: AKA: Le porno vip [Italy]
Three women living together, supporting themselves through prostitution, want to change their situation. They save the money they make from their clients, so they can move on to a decent living once they’ve made enough money. We’re shown in flashbacks how these women met and episodes from their dust-ins with various clients
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Esther Moser, Eric Falk
Scene 2. Pilar Coll, Roman Huber
Scene 3. Kali Hansa
Scene 4. Esther Moser, Kali Hansa, Pilar Coll
Scene 5. Esther Moser, Marlies Haas
Scene 6. Esther Moser, Pilar Coll
Scene 7. Esther Moser, Kali Hansa, Pilar Coll
Scene 8. Esther Moser, Marlies Haas
Scene 9. Esther Moser, Mike Lederer
Scene 10. Pilar Coll
Scene 11. Esther Moser, Kali Hansa, Paul Nussbaumer
Scene 12. Esther Moser, Kali Hansa, Pilar Coll, Eric Falk
Phew!... just finished watching ABC-DVD:s release of this Franco curiosity. It's been a very long time since I've slapped my knees this much watching a movie. The DVD contains both the soft version (still some erections and millisecond hardcore footage left in). "Mädchen I'm Nachtverkehr" was clearly shot with full-on hardcore scenes. The editing of the soft version is all jump-cuttie, where the hardcore kicks in.

The movie (soft version) is typical Dietrich-era stuff. Great photography, smoking' hot women... and, of course, the one and only Eric Falk. Story comes down to this: Three women living together, supporting themselves through prostitution, want to change their situation. They save the money they make from their clients, so they can move on to a decent living, once they've made enough money. We're shown in flashbacks how these women met and episodes from their dust-ins with various clients.

This is where the knee-slapping comes in full force, with weird peccadilloes like having sex in a coffin with a weirdo that outholmes John Holmes himself (trust me, my jaw dropped), and bored sex with a Turkish guy, who keeps his Fez on, during the act. I squirted coffee out of my nose in this sequence. He babbles non-stop about Allah, Muhammed and Tutti Frutti(?!!!). Franco must've had an absolute ball making this. You've gotta hand it to the old fart. He always, no matter how crappy the movie is, digs out a nugget of pure genius... or two - The coffin sequence is pure brilliance as well.

"Mädchen I'm Nachtverkehr" is mainly for the initiated, but I would definitely recommend Francophiles-in-the-making to give this one a spin as it will only increase your appreciation for him, and his monumental work. Skip it if you're offended by scenes of explicit hardcore. It's evident on the look of the actors faces that it's all in good fun, though. Unlike some contemporary pornography. All in all classic Franco.

—We begin with said ladies who are actually high-class hookers, only it appears they have worn themselves out and are now resting; Franco opens with some bizarre music while the girls massage each other and discuss their clients. Using flashbacks amidst the slumber party, Franco wastes no time getting down to business; the women are beautiful, bushy pros who give their Johns exactly what they want, whether it’s plain ol’ missionary, role-playing as a corpse, or theatrical sex shows.
But when an erotic photographer turns out to be a kidnapping pimp, hijinks ensue. One of the hookers is taken to a Turkish brothel, where the workers appear far less interested in their jobs than the Swiss girls. Soon all of the friends are kidnapped and bored in the brothel, plotting revenge on their captor.
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