Mit Gurke und Banane / Crazy about steep curves, Full Uncut (1976)

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Description: AKA: Verrückt nach steilen Kurven [Germany], L'Homme-Etalon de ces Dames [France], L'Homme étalon [France]
Patrick (called Ferdinand in the original German release), who is keen on bananas, spends his time fantasizing. He imagines himself in the bathroom with his landlady. At the office, he sees himself as the manager honored by his secretary (Gisela Krauss). His main fantasy is about himself swimming in the sea at wintertime with a gorgeous blonde to whom he makes love afterwards. One day he sees a blonde (Christine Szenetra, possibly a different blonde from the one on the beach) in the flesh in the underground, follows her but she vanishes. While working on a meter (electricity meter?), he gets electrocuted and believes himself to be in some sexual paradise. When he comes to, his fantasies become even more frequent. He sees everybody copulating. A psychiatrist (Johannes Buzalski) tries an experiment on him but the lab ends up by exploding. Wandering aimlessly at night, Patrick spots the girl of his dream inside a McDonald's and speaks to her. They go to a dance hall and the ensuing night is one of sheer pleasure. Patrick is now cured of his fantasies.
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Fritzi Ross, Steve Burgess
Scene 2. Christian Dorn
Scene 3. Steve Burgess
Scene 4. Christine Szenetra, Steve Burgess
Scene 5. Gisela Krauss, Sepp Gneissl
Scene 6. Gisela Krauss, Steve Burgess
Scene 7. Gisela Krauss, Sepp Gneissl, Steve Burgess
Scene 8. Christian Dorn
Scene 9. Sonja Muller, Steve Burgess
Scene 10. Karin Lorson, Steve Burgess
Scene 11. Christian Dorn
Scene 12. Christine Szenetra
Scene 13. Steve Burgess
Scene 14. Fritzi Ross, Steve Burgess
Scene 15. Christine Szenetra, Steve Burgess
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