Caligula, Full movie (1979)

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Description: AKA: Io, Caligola (Italy), Gore Vidal's Caligula (United States) 
Uncut, full version
A dramatization of the ascent to Caesar and subsequent reign of Caligula, one of the most notorious leaders of ancient Rome. We see his ambition, his scheming, his perversion and decadence, his brutality and his lunacy. This movie is full of lust, bizarre sex and incest.
"Caligula", a very good, 1979 production from Penthouse Video and directors, Tinto Brass, Giancarlo Lui, and Bob Guccione, is something of a unique release in the world of "adult classic films" in that it is a true "mainstream" release, complete with big name stars and a big budget, that has added to it a number of hardcore inserts, which apparently weren't part of the original plan. As such, it was quite controversial in its day, and it's equally difficult to review. Is it a porno? Is it a mainstream film? In essence, it's both--at the same time--though certainly leaning far more toward the latter than the former.

The film traces the path of Caligula, played by Malcom McDowell (yes... THE Malcom McDowell), as he ascends to the position of Emperor of Rome and assumes the title of "Caesar" upon the death (murder) of his adopted grandfather, Tiberius, played by THE Peter O'Toole. Of course, the Caesars are a paranoid, power-hungry, and perverse lot, and the price of their power often comes with the slaying of their political enemies (real or simply perceived), their friends, and even (...especially, in fact...) their fellow family members. Indeed, the bloodshed in this film is both plentiful and graphic, and the methods of death are brutal and typically quite calculated and grotesque. If anything, this release is NOT for the faint of heart, and--far more than any of its sex--its violence and displays of malevolence can be downright disturbing. For instance, one soldier is forced to drink wine whilst his penis is tied shut with his boot lace. When he's about to burst, he's slashed through the stomach, and both the wine and blood pour out of him in an undiscernable mix. As another example, one form of execution for "traitors" is to bury them neck-deep in the dirt in front of a large audience and throw vegetables at them until a huge, movable wall with what can only be described as big, slow-moving lawn-mower blades encroaches upon them and swipes off their heads. These are but two (of many) images of the heartless gore and torture that this flick conjures up.

Of course, as the timeline unfolds, Caligula--who was cruel, childish, and twisted to begin with--also finds himself further and further consumed by his power and by the paranoid insanity that accompanies it. This becomes particularly pronounced after his sister / lover / lifelong confidant, Drusilla (played by the stunningly beautiful Teresa Ann Savoy), succumbs to a fever that's gripped the land. In essence, he goes completely mad at that point, though prior to it, he was never balanced, either. Some of Caligula's more memorable sadistic moments, beyond the killings, include crashing a young officer's and his virgin bride's wedding and then raping the bride and, by anal fisting, the officer himself (all softcore). He also chooses as his wife the most promiscuous woman in the land, Caesonia (played by THE Helen Mirren), and, later, he forces all of the Senators' wives to partake in the "Imperial Bordello", wherein anyone could pay for their sexual services for the price of five gold coins. This, of course, is quite the fundraising idea.

In terms of the sex, there is plenty of nudity, including from McDowell, Mirren, Savoy, and countless lesser-knowns in the film, and there is a wide range of softcore sexual activity, though it often falls into the darker, more depraved category than the sexier one. As noted, there are hardcore inserts, as well, and these include things like the occasional guy-on-guy blowjob, dudes jerking off into a bowl to be used as a skin softener for a lady of refined tastes, a longer (and steamy) girl-girl sequence, and--the best of the bunch--oral and vaginal sex at the Imperial Bordello. While there is certainly a decent(ish) quantity of such penetrative and explicit fare, it doesn't dominate the film, and the only reason that it sometimes feels out of place is that it seems to be filmed somewhat differently than the rest of the movie. Perhaps it's the lighting employed, or the type of film, etc. I'll leave that distinction up to the more-expert film aficionados.

So, in all, "Caligula" is certainly a unique film, the likes of which--with both mainstream and hardcore elements mixed together, coupled with a truly all-star cast--the world may never see again. It is not very sexy, despite the nudity, sex, and beauty of many of its cast members, as it portrays a dark and disturbing time in history, and its plot is equally grim and sadistic. That said, it is a fascinating production to watch, and it is difficult to take one's eyes away from it. If nothing else, it represents an impressive endeavor worthy of praise for its vision and its historical (film-wise) value.
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Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 2 months ago
Personally, I think that the movie was a major disappointment. Sorry.
By Browniesback - 4 months ago
no audio for me on first try
By AllClassic.Porn - 4 months ago
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By AllClassic.Porn - 6 months ago
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By Mastadon69 - 6 months ago
I just saw “The Ultimate Cut” which is a waste of time and money. People fail to realise that what makes “Caligula” great is the fantastic actors and sets as well as the sex—and especially the double blowjob and swallowed cumshot which ends the Imperial Bordello sequence! Bob Guccione engineered that scene brilliantly and a lot of time was spent making that the transition into the next seen of battling the papyrus. If the actors and directors who were paid by Guccione didn’t like the finished product, too bad. The film wasn’t made for them but for us viewers!
By NightOwl - 1 year ago
No audio with this video. It doesn't matter if I play it with the browser or download it. I tried several different players and the software didn't say there was a missing codec.
By Browniesback - 5 months ago
same with me.
By Anonymous - 7 months ago
I am playing with Edge browser - full audio without problem.
By Anonymous - 7 months ago
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