Kasimir der Kuckuckskleber, Full length movie (1977)

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Description: Kasimir Zwickelhuber is collecting debts in an unusual way: by convincing lonely housewives to auction off sexual favors to rich men. When one of their husbands finds out, Kasimir ends up defending himself in front of a (female) judge and finds himself being backed up by all of his willing victims in court.
Kasimir is a bailiff charged with enforcing the repayment of debts. He offers women the option of auctioning off their bodies to raise the necessary funds. We see him place his bailiff’s seal on the behinds of Jane Iwanoff (with black hair) and 'Frau Berger' (or Becker) and then calling on 'Larissa Holm' (Patricia Rhomberg), who eagerly accepts his offer. He interrupts her in 'consultation' with a plumber who is fitting a shower in her bath. She insists on testing it out - with the workman - and Kasimir watches. Then they adjourn to the bedroom for a threesome.
Kasimir goes home to his wife who, given his activites at work, proves too demanding for him.
His next debtor is a slim blonde, whose husband catches them at it but acquiesces when shown the IOU. Then he visits the home of a pair of lesbians (Ginny Noack, Sylvia Brand) who want to assure themselves that he matches up to their collection of strap-on dildos.
Next, he supervises an auction where his debtors sell their services to a group of men at a large house. 'Larissa Holm', 'Frau Berger' (or Becker), Jane Iwanoff, and the blonde lesbian take part in the resulting orgy which is interrupted by the arrival of Herr Buchner who drags his wife away. (A maid serves drinks but does not get involved in the action.)
This results in Kasimir facing prosecution, but a practical demonstration of his 'asset' by 'Larissa', arouses the interest of the female judge, and a courtroom orgy results, involving the judge, an older blonde clerk (Angelika Reschner), an older male clerk and all the witnesses and their counsel except for Frau Berger (or Becker) who is dragged away again. The blonde lesbian is not present but another woman arrives late and joins in. Kasimir's wife arrives at the end. She expresses her indignation at the goings-on, but is rebuked by the judge who proclaims Kasimir “not guilty”.
Thanks to Barny for corrections to the above and for the following note.
Kasimir is a "Gerichtsvollzieher", a court-appointed official charged with enforcing the repayment of debts. It is common for such an official to put a seal (known as a "Kuckuck" because it resembles a cuckoo) on valuable objects which he has confiscated. In this film he "confiscates" the bodies of the female debtors, placing seals on their behinds.
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By Andy - 6 months ago
Patricia szalone-dupczenie
By Soyuncerdo - 9 months ago
I can only agree with my preposters. Patracia Rhomberg is, to me, the greatest in the bathtub-scene. It is really hot!!!
By Tommo63 - 1 year ago
Patricia Rhomberg is so hot.
By Stiffpeter3 - 1 year ago
These classics are so hot n brin me back to my watching dads great porn collection. Patricia is one of the best ever
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