Exhausted: John C. Holmes, the Real Story, Uncut Movie (1981)

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Description: A documentary about John C. Holmes, who was the biggest star in the adult film industry in more ways than one.
Scene Breakdowns

Scene 1. Monique Starr, John Holmes
Scene 2. Jessica Temple-Smith, John Holmes
Scene 3. Felecia Sanda, John Holmes
Scene 4. Seka, John Holmes
Scene 5. Fatima Hamoud, John Holmes
Scene 6. Melba Bruce, John Holmes
Scene 7. Joan Devlon, John Holmes
Scene 8. Jesie St. James, John Holmes
Scene 9. Paula Wain, John Holmes
Scene 10. Eileen Wells, John Holmes
Scene 11. Jessica Temple-Smith, John Holmes
Scene 12. Laurien Dominique, John Holmes
Scene 13. brun, John Holmes
Scene 14. Bonnie Holiday, John Holmes
Scene 15. Kitty Shayne, John Holmes
Scene 16. Paula Wain, John Holmes
Scene 17. Cris Cassidy, John Holmes
Scene 18. Jennifer Richards, John Holmes
Scene 19. Lauri Noel, Laurie Smith, John Holmes
Scene 20. Melba Bruce, John Holmes
Scene 21. Paula Wain, John Holmes
Scene 22. Eileen Wells, John Holmes
Scene 23. Kyoto Sun, John Holmes
Scene 24. Felecia Sanda, John Holmes
Scene 25. Kyoto Sun, John Holmes
Scene 26. Paula Wain, John Holmes
Scene 27. Melba Bruce, John Holmes
Scene 28. Laurien Dominique, John Holmes
Scene 29. Eileen Wells, John Holmes
Scene 30. Bonnie Holiday, John Holmes
Scene 31. Fatima Hamoud, John Holmes
Scene 32. Joan Devlon, John Holmes
Scene 33. Paula Wain, John Holmes
Scene 34. Monique Starr, John Holmes
Scene 35. Seka, John Holmes
I saw Exhausted in the movie theater when it was released in the 1980's. The video really hadn't made the inroads that came later. I remember reading about John C. Holmes being on the run. In fact, there was a large poster with an enlarged newspaper article that had people of all walks of life stopping and reading the article. So John C. Holmes was definitely mainstream already. Who was to know that two different mainstream Hollywood movies would come out based on his life.

Anyway, the documentary still holds up all these years later the director of Boogie Nights definitely studied this film. I agree with another reviewer about the superior quality of the explicit sex shown in this film and others of the era. That is to say, it was and is far superior to anything put out today. I don't even bother with the new releases because the sex scenes are so absolutely boring, and by the numbers.

Exhausted is an excellent expose of the legendary John C. Holmes. Definitely worth a look for John C. Holmes fans!

Exhausted is a self-serving softball “documentary” about John C. Holmes, who was the biggest star in the adult film industry in two ways. He was the most famous, and he was just the biggest where it really counts in that business, about 13 inches worth. The film combines footage from actual porn films, “Man on the Street” interviews, and interviews with industry insiders: director Bob Chinn, actress Seka, and John Holmes himself. While this film is not a bona fide documentary detailing the life of John Holmes (before his notorious murder trial), it is still a very erotic and very arousing sex film. It is an attempt to dig into the career of John Holmes, one of the best-known male stars of hard-core pornography, most noted for his big gun. This excellent production was billed as the “true life story of the unchallenged King of Porn himself.” If you watch it, it's difficult to argue – It's packed with the most luscious, explosive women in adult entertainment from the early 80s. The movie
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By Anonymous - 9 months ago
It's misleading. JH got hooked on drugs, forgot to protect himself and caught AIDS and got involved in a robbery (to obtain drugs) which ended up in . He ended premature (at 42) and died impoverished, broken and miserable.
Yrexas Llow
By Yrexas Llow - 12 months ago
J.C. Holmes was a monster responsible for hundreds of untimely deaths.
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