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The Golden Age Of Danish Pornography - (1970)

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Description: The Golden Age of Danish Pornography is a collection of vintage 8mm hardcore films from the 1970s directed by Danish Porn Pioneer Freddy Weiss. In the 1970s Weiss started making his own pornographic films and released them in series such as Playgirl and Venus Films. Considered as lost films for decades Pink Flamingo Entertainment have finally unearthed the original negatives of many of these classic films and are proud to present them on DVD.
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By Tommo63 - 3 weeks ago
This starts off badly, as there are some terrible jump cuts in the first scene; the good looking one with long hair is just about to sit on his cock, then there's a cut and the other one is about to sit on it! What happened there? But the second scene is good with the woman in the black wig, and the picture quality is pretty good for the 70s.