Confessions of Linda Lovelace, Full (1977)

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Description: Linda Lovelace (played by a double whose face is never shown) interviews for a job as the concubine of a sultan (Harry Reems). Clips from Deep Throat represent flashbacks attesting to her experience. It is only in these clips that the actual Linda Lovelace appears. 
This movie features a woman who is supposed to be Linda Lovelace (you never see her face and it is not her) telling an Arab sheik her life story. What we see is a lot of footage from "Deep Throat", without the music that was in "Deep Throat". In "DT", some of the sex scenes included music that had vocals. In "COLL", all of the "DT" scenes are instrumentals.

The non "DT" scenes in this movie are:

Linda, Harry, and another girl doing a 3-way with no cum-shot.

A girl and a guy screw underwater with no cum-shot.

3 girls and 2 guys do a 5-way on a moving boat. One of the girls gets an oral and facial cum-shot.

Another 3 girl 2 guy 5-way, featuring an oral and facial cum-shot of one girl and a butt cum-shot of another girl.

A few days after Linda Lovelace's death, Bill Maher said on "Politically Incorrect": "In 1972, the porn industry in this country was a $10 Million dollar a year business. Now, 30 years later, it's a $10 Billion dollar a year business."

Linda Lovelace was as pretty and as sweet as can be. 1949 - 2002 Rest in peace. Her real name was Linda Boreman. She is survived by her father John Boreman, her daughter Lindsay Marchiano, her son Dominic, her sister Barbara, and three grandchildren.
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