Inside Desiree Cousteau, Full length movie (1979)

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Description: Desiree tells of the events that led her to become an adult film star, illustrated by graphic reenactments.
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Desiree Cousteau, guy
Scene 2. Misty Regan, Desiree Cousteau, Carl Regal
Scene 3. Desiree Cousteau, Juliet Anderson, Sharon Kane
Scene 4. Desiree Cousteau, Serena
Scene 5. Desiree Cousteau, Serena, John Holmes
Scene 6. Desiree Cousteau, Aaron Stuart
Scene 7. Desiree Cousteau, Jesse Adams
Scene 8. Desiree Cousteau, Spender Travis
Scene 9. T.J. Carson, Desiree Cousteau, girl, Jane Lindsay, Lisa K. Loring, Susan Nero, 2 guys, John Seeman, Michael Morrison, Mike Horner
This was the first 'porn' movie I ever saw. Way back in the 80's. It's pretty funny to watch even now. Probably more so because of it's age. There is not much to say about the story itself. But considering it was shot on film rather than video like most of todays material now is it looks better for it in my opinion. There is just something about porn 'films' that says something that todays video material cannot. It has more of a 'fantasy' feel to it. Where video seems too real and lacking.

There is a song in this movie that I have been trying to track down for some time with no luck. It's worth seeing for the kitchen scene and that song alone. Plus it features the now legendary deceased porn 'actor' John Holmes. Desiree herself looks very natural. Clearly not exhibiting the surgical 'attributes' of todays porn stars. If she did have any enhancements it is hard to tell. I am unsure if there is a different 'cut' of this movie as I only saw an uncut version that showed everything in very graphic detail. So there may be a 'soft' version that I did not see floating around. Possibly on some cable broadcasts.

As porn movies go it was well made, at times funny, other times very cheesy. The 'acting' is pretty much nonexistent for this type of 'movie'.

But then it's not made for that purpose. As exploitative pornography goes it's just another step along a well trodden path. But as a teenager who had never seen anything else it was something that has stuck in my memory for a very long time.
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By Anonymous - 3 weeks ago
Classicchicc av still relevant in 2025 oozes epank bang sexuality
By Anonymous - 3 weeks ago
By Anonymous - 3 months ago
Desiree is good people.
By Anonymous - 3 weeks ago
So is soylent green.
By Erich44 - 4 months ago
One of my favorites - saw it originally in the theater. Lots of cum shot from watching this.
By Sergio - 4 months ago
Wow, luky you are!
0 By Anonymous
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