Der Porno-Fotograf / Der Junge mit der Tiefenschärfe / Rêves de jeunes filles volages, Full movie (1977)

Views: 29 795
Description: The film is about how photographers shoot their models in all senses Good old German Pron with a pinch of humor and lack of dreary half-sex scenes. 
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Karin Lorson, Sepp Gneissl
Scene 3. Britt Corvin, Claudia Mehringer, Jane Iwanoff, Sepp Gneissl
Scene 4. Sigrun Theil
Scene 5. Claudia Mehringer, Sepp Gneissl
Scene 7. Jeannie Baker, Sepp Gneissl
Scene 8. Britt Corvin, Claudia Mehringer, Harry Miller
Scene 9. Claudia Mehringer, Sepp Gneissl
Scene 10. Britt Corvin, Claudia Mehringer, Jane Iwanoff, Karin Lorson, Carl-Heinz Kuhn, Peter Bond, Sepp Gneissl
There is no review on this German movie yet, so let me kick off by giving you the synopsis of this movie. It is all about Mark played by Gneissl, a porno photographer, and the way he finds his models and what he does to them. And that is it. There is no real story, for the makers of this movie were only too anxious showing us as many porno scenes as possible.

Where in many movies sex scenes last for a long time, here one scene quickly succeeds the other and there are many of them. Some totally unrelated, such as a woman giving head to a robot. And while she is at it the robot remarks: "I am up to 2,000 volts. That is a nice feeling in my electronics." The movie is packed with remarks like this. If you consider this to be humor then this is your movie! It helps if you like orgies, for there are quite a few in this movie. After all, it was made in the 70's.

The actors are neither pretty nor good. Gneissl plays this role the same way he played every role he was given and he appeared in numerous soft core and hard core movies.

This is your typical late 1970's junk. It was legal in many countries to show pornography, there was a huge demand for the stuff and filmmakers all over the world made movies based on one principle: show as much sex as possible and you're done.

Many movies made in the '70's had two versions: one hardcore, the other soft-core. Most probably this one came in a hardcore version only. Should you cut all hardcore scenes the remainder would have a running time of some 10 minutes. The actors and especially Gneissl seem to enjoy themselves making this movie and that really is the only thing positive I can say about this..., this... stinker.
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