Beach Blanket Bango, Full movie (1975)

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Description: Beach Blanket Bango, the 1975 Morris Deal sexy beach comedy parody (“The Beach Party gang is back… Getting a Bang out of life!”; “A slam-bang satire of sixties sex!”)
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Cindy Taylor, Rick Lutze
Scene 2. Rene Bond, Tony Mazziotti
Scene 3. Cindy Taylor, Damon Christian
Scene 4. Rene Bond, Rick Lutze
Scene 5. Cindy Taylor, Tony Mazziotti
Scene 6. Rene Bond, Rick Lutze
Scene 7. Rene Bond, Tony Mazziotti
Made on a shoe string budget this film is the continuation of the story introduced in Morris Deal's prior phenomenal hit " High School Fantasies". It is the High School Fantasies crowd , now in their senior year of college, on Spring Break, sorting out their past and making arrangements for the future. I should know, I'm in it. That aside it is a hilarious spoof on the Frankie Avalon and Annette Funichello scene. The acting at times is somewhat stilted but for a good laugh at what someone could actually produce on 35mm film for $25,000.00. This is a must see. I play the part of Bumsteader the owner of the beach house that Tommy and his gang are renting for the weekend. Like most of the Beach Blanket pictures of its day there wasn't much plot but this one has everything the main stream film had.. Surfing, parties and lots of juvenile love interests including nudity and some lame hardcore sex. There are some witty if not blatant political comments, including flash backs to the the Vietnam war, LSD and recreational drugs in general as well as lots of angst over flunking out of college. Attention to historical detail with Read to the costumes, props, hair makeup and automobiles is perfect. This is truly a time capsule of the "Sexy Sixties " When made this was a first of its kind. A musical porno where the actors sang and frolicked in the sand and had a spectacular time. I know I did making it. Damon Christian
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