Jekyll And Hyde, Full length movie (2000)

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Description: The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hayes Dr. Jekyll's daughter is home to investigate her father's death. But instead of finding the killer, the killer finds a monster in the bedroom.
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Kate More, Leslie Taylor
Scene 2. Gili Sky, Fernanda Diaz, Linda Kiss, Judith Kostner, Alberto Rey, Frank Major, Jay Lassiter, Leslie Taylor
Scene 3. Taylor Hayes
Scene 4. Kate More, Mike Foster
Scene 5. Taylor Hayes, Bobby Vitale, Ian Daniels
Scene 6. Taylor Hayes, Frank Gun
Scene 7. Judy Flash, Mike Foster
Scene 8. Taylor Hayes, Julian
Jekyll & Hyde is a Vivid feature classic starring Taylor Hayes, Julian and a lot of European women. Like many classics, this film falls completely flat on its face. It’s difficult for me to express my disappointment, but I’ll try anyway. Of the female cast, the only name I knew (and the only reason I bought this DVD) was Taylor Hayes. Still, it was Vivid so I should have known better – should have known far better. Sigh.

First up, the plot. Jekyll & Hyde has been lauded for its story. Personally, I found the story uninteresting, even off-putting, and it unquestionably interfered with the sex. Not only that, but there were virtually two stories going on at once, independent of each other. Taylor and Julian had a plotline that was semi-interesting while the European (Hungarian?) cast were totally involved in their own non-English drama.

Clearly, a lot was put into production values and Taylor and Julian’s acting were good. However, the plot felt self-indulgent and the sex seemed to be treated dismissively. The separate stories in separate languages dragged out – even though they were probably edited down. I think Jekyll & Hyde was also shot on film and the A/V quality was typically low. The direction was sub-par and most scenes were poorly-lit.

Whew, deep breath. Let’s go on. The female cast was good-looking, nice natural bodies on the European women (not girls) and Taylor Hayes, enough said – except in two of her three scenes she had absolutely terrible makeup (story-related) and somehow looked unattractive. Is the point of a porn movie – a sex flick – to make a beautiful woman like Taylor Hayes look like a corpse? How very un-erotic.

You’ll find out about the guys later too. The sex was either cold or disturbing. The direction for the sex scenes was poor, the filming was poor and, in most cases, the lighting was poor. That wraps up that aspect. (As you can see, I’m working out some anger issues with this DVD).

A word about extras. The one extra I would have liked was the mini-poster the cover promised. Not there, no surprise. The DVD was packed full of completely boring extras and the interactive menu was graphically pretty, but very cumbersome and time-wasting. Getting to the normal manual menus was difficult. The one good extra out of all the nonsense was a clip of a threesome with Charlie, Taylor and Julian. It can be found on most Vivid DVDs.

Overall, I can’t really say I liked anything. Taylor did look good in parts and Julian makes an excellent male lead (if you can call appearing in one scene leading). On the other hand, plot, sex, A/V quality, extras – all bad. Somehow Paul Thomas and Vivid have taken a big budget and Taylor Hayes, and made a terrible film. Jekyll & Hyde gets the honour of the most disappointing porn movie I’ve yet seen.
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