Tropic Of Passion / Fantasex Weekend, Full Uncut (1973)

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Description: Private eye Johnny Wadd travels to Hawaii to help a wealthy, young heiress find out who is blackmailing her with a porno film of her with her sleazy lawyer.
Scene Breakdowns:
Scene 1. Chlorine Stillwater, John Holmes
Scene 2. Patti Snyder, John Holmes
Scene 3. Sandy Dempsey, Alex Elliot
Scene 4. Sandy Dempsey, Alex Elliot, John Holmes
Scene 5. Sandi Carey, Alex Elliot
Scene 6. Sandi Carey, John Holmes
Scene 7. Chlorine Stillwater, John Holmes
How do you imagine Bob Chinn and his greasy camera got the bucks to fly him, John Holmes and a couple of skanks to Hawaii? This is still early in their career, makes you wonder. This still has the raw grittiness of any Times Square number. But it looks like a vacation for these guys. Holmes rides in a big rental car with a straw hat, checks into a fancy hotel, big room with a balcony, balls of course, and in his way, investigates some crime involving blackmail, heroin and of course...the director. Either by design or as an afterthought, JH and Chinn perform one of their trademark kung-fu battles and it is just the funniest thing you've ever seen. Just feigning the impact of their feeble blows so dramatically could injure just about anyone. This along with Jade Pussycat must have had a great influence of Boogie Nights and any sort of porn-art connoseurs.
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