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Buttman's European Vacation 3 - (1993)

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Views: 57 977
Description: Lost in Germany! It happens every time I go there! Looking for the red light district in Dusseldorf, I stumble into some kind of Taxi Bar which leads me on a dangerous adventure filled with lust, intrigue, jealousy, and double penetration ecstasy!
Scene Breakdowns:
Scene 1. Adele-Maria Hortshorn, Rocco Siffredi
Scene 2. Kelly Trump, Backey Jakic, Zenza Raggi
Scene 3. Marine Cartier, Mark Davis
Scene 4. Sabina, Jon Dough, Mark Davis
Scene 5. Paula, Veronika, Rocco Siffredi
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By Jollyper - 4 months ago