The Final Sin, Uncut (1977)

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Description: AKA: Tonight We Love
Daddy is a rich man. Sexually demented, trapped in a wheelchair. He can only satiable his thwarted lust by forcing others to enact his bizarre imaginings. His love-hungry wife, his precocious daughter, and his sensitive foster son are only pawns in his erotic game. The Oriental voluptuary, Linda, and her brawny paramour, Buster, provide 'Daddy' with his every fantasy when they visit the family. "Daddy" watches on closed circuit TV as the kinky Linda explores his juicy wife in the bathroom. His delight turns to ecstasy as they move from climax to climax, using the sex toys "Daddy" has provided. The nymphet daughter and the confused son give 'Daddy' a few surprises, and Buster is utilized in a way he would never normally submit to. The evening explodes in a reverse that stuns everyone. THE FINAL SIN is the ultimate in sensuality – the kind that burns!"
Scenes Breakdown:
Scene 1. Ursula Brandywine
Scene 2. Linda Wong, Ursula Brandywine
Scene 3. Linda Wong, Mel White, Ursula Brandywine
Scene 4. Linda Wong, Mel White, Ursula Brandywine
Scene 5. Paul Thomas, Ursula Brandywine
Scene 6. Mel White, Melba Walsh
Scene 7. Linda Wong, Paul Thomas
"you're 21 and still a virgin." Diologue like that could make a porno sound cheesy, Daddy is a wheelbound husband who sits by the window with binoculars peeking at strangers having sex.Daddy and his wife get ready for a so-called evening of sexual fun and games and send their "oversexed virgin" daughter to her cousin's.But she demands to stay since she's curious, there's a son too!And he insists on knowing if he's adopted since he has a longing for his dirty mother.Once both leave a bickering couple are let in the house, What happens for the duration of the film is full on insanity.

Richard Strong who plays Daddy almost echoes Zebedy Colt's crazy performances like UNWILLING LOVERS or SEX WISH.The dude is sick, creepy, and gross.The ending where the daughter gets revenge on her father is a neat twist,doing what she always wanted.The scene where a dude is humiliated with a strap-on dildo and Daddy screeches "F%^K him!Suck him! F^%k him! Suck him!" Over and over is hysterical yet pretty disturbing.I don't think I'm going to watch this again..its too sinful
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