Aphrodesias Diary, Full movie (1983)

Views: 96 678
Description: Turning the Pages of Passion!
It was at a very early age that Adrienne first realized she could excite men. From that day forward, she kept her most intimate thoughts and salacious experiences in a locked diary. Now after many years and many lovers she's opening that diary...just for you!
Beautiful young Adrianne is sitting in a luxurious hotel room reading her diary. She begins to remember some of the incidents written in it--the young horse trainer to whom she lost her virginity who then left her stranded and broke in Paris, the man she met there who offered her a lot of money to appear in a porn film, her trip to New York where she fell in love with a gambler who talked her into becoming a call girl. And there's more . . .

Scene 1. Dominique St. Claire, Dominique St. Clair
Scene 2. Patricia Bouvier, Andre Kay
Scene 3. Dominique Saint Claire, Kevin James
Scene 4. Dominique Saint Claire, Ron Jeremy
Scene 5. Lisa Cintrice, Kevin James
Scene 6. Dominique Saint Claire, Joanna Storm, Alan Adrian
Scene 7. Desiree Cousteau, Morgane
Scene 8. Morgane, Vanessa del Rio, George Payne
Scene 9. Dominique Saint Claire, Vanessa del Rio
Scene 10. Dominique Saint Claire, Dominique St. Clair

Females -
Lisa Cintrice plays Suzy
Vanessa del Rio plays the psychotherapist
Desiree Cousteau plays the girl in the nightmare
Joanna Storm plays one of the birthday couple/li>

Males -

Dominique Saint-Clair (Gil Lagardère) plays Alain
Kevin James plays Jeff
Ron Jeremy plays the conceited investor
Alan Adrian plays one of the birthday couple
André Chazel, non-sex, plays André, the man at the station
André Kay plays a porn actor in Paris
George Payne plays the friend of the psychotherapist
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By walker - 1 year ago
great transparency but not great enthusiasm somehow?
By Anonymous - 1 month ago
I can't seem to get through
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