He and She, Uncensored (1970)

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Description: AKA: He & She, Ein verliebtes sinnliches Paar
Educational documentary on the sex life of a young couple. Among the subjects that are covered are foreplay, taking a shower together, the importance of kissing, musical accompaniment for sex, vaginal lubrication, cunnilingus, and fellatio.
Matt Cimber's somewhat notorious adult education film has a doctor introducing us to a young couple as we watch them get it on in a variety of ways as the doctor explains what we're seeing. The main point of this was to teach young adults the male and female body and what sexually turns them on.

HE & SHE is considered a classic by many but I'm going to guess that's because this ended up becoming a major hit in many locations. As was the case with many exploitation films from the 1930s like REEFER MADNESS and SEX MADNESS, this film here sells itself as a teaching tool but we all know it was made to show off sex and nudity. For the most part there's nothing awful about the film but even in its uncut version the 63 minute running time really drags at spots.

I'd go a step further and say the opening minutes of this are among the most boring you're going to see in any exploitation picture because we get several minutes worth of written texts where we read quotes from various doctors about sexual nature. From here we get a "doctor" explaining the purpose of the movie and then we meet the couple who are on a rotating bed.

There's plenty of softcore sex and nudity for those who are coming to the film for that. The girl is quite cute but the narration is just deadly dull and there's not an ounce of energy to be found.
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Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 2 months ago
This film was an attempt to get around censors since it was "educational". A few years after this, the Supreme Court decided a pornography case where the decision was a film had to have socially redeeming value to avoid censorship. Matt Climber must have been anticipating what was to happen. A sex education series of films was made by an "Institute" in North Carolina during the 1980's. It was distributed by Adam and Eve Company. For a couple of decades that was "thee" mail order source for sexual toys and films. I have the whole series on VHS somewhere. The gal in this film was clearly my type. I am jealous of the guy who did this film.
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