Dominatrix Without Mercy, Uncut Movie (1976)

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Description: Wall to wall hard action from the notorious Avon team! Marlene Willoughby goes to work in a busy Manhattan dominance apartment. Overlapping vignettes cater to true S&M enthusiasts. Masochistic superstar Terri Hall changes caps as a dominant. Jamie Gillis is a rope freak kept in a closet. Vanessa Del Rio gives the submissive performance of a lifetime; you'll be amazed she went through it. With golden showers!
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Terri Hall, Vanessa del Rio
Scene 2. Marlene Willoughby, Ultramax
Scene 3. Terri Hall, Fred J. Lincoln
Scene 4. Vanessa del Rio, John Leslie
Scene 5. C.J. Laing, Marc Stevens, Mel White
Scene 6. Hope Stockton, Vanessa del Rio, Ashley Moore, Roger Caine
Scene 7. Marlene Willoughby, Ultramax, Grover Griffith
Scene 8. Marlene Willoughby, Ultramax, Jamie Gillis
Scene 9. Marlene Willoughby, Ultramax
Sexy, slender brunette model Mara (the extremely hot Marlene Willoughby) answers an ad in "Screw" magazine for a high paying job at a New York whorehouse which specializes in turning all kinds of deviant sadomasochistic bondage and discipline sex tricks. The house's dumpy middle-aged madame (curly-haired fortysomething lady Ultra Max) shows our curious protagonist the ropes (and chains) of the B & D business in this splendidly seamy, frequently shocking and occasionally arousing slice of mondo kinko sickie roughie 70's porno sleaze.

The sexual vignettes graphically enacted herein range from mildly perverse to genuinely unnerving. Shown in a swiftly paced juxtaposition of squalid sexual tableaux, set to an incessantly droning, discordant score and punctuated with often hideously profane dialogue, we not only get the standard cunnilingus, ejaculation, masturbation, sodomy and fellatio, but also an unsparingly nasty and disgusting barrage of utterly degrading rough stuff: voluptuous Cuban-American firecracker Vanessa Del Rio crams a banana in her vagina and then eats it, one poor dweeb spends most of the movie locked in a closet, an understandably frightened blonde babe gets bound to a chair and has her legs savagely beaten with a leather belt, and the madame urinates on a wimpy guy's face because he showed up twenty minutes late for an appointment (the madame even mercilessly pokes fun at the guy's pitifully small and unimpressive penis).

During the film's single most gut-churning sequence Iggy Pop lookalike Marc Stevens and some other guy cruelly demean, taunt, tie up and manipulate a horrified, pathetically submissive young lass (the eminently adorable C. J. Laing) who for a good thirty positively grueling minutes is made the helpless subject of these vile control freaks' mean and selfish carnal whims. Several other male customers are played by legendary 70's hardcore movie studboys Jamie Gillis, John Leslie and Fred Lincoln of "The Last House on the Left" infamy. While not exactly a real turn-on, this pervasively seedy and seriously warped adult movie aberration definitely scores points for sheer audacity alone and more than delivers the lowdown ghastly B&D goods.
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By HornyMe - 6 months ago
Nice enough film, but the bdsm is way too soft. Of course it's catered to please the general (porn) enthousiasts public, so mostly cowardly softies uses cookies. To know more, read our Cookies policy. Find out more