Trauung (CD-Film #501) - (1976)

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Description: Der Kirchenmaler kann es nicht lassen, in das Gewand des Pfarrers zu schlüpfen. Da kommt auch schon ein Brautpaar. Im Anfang etwas verwundert, dann aber hell begeistert macht der Bräutigam diese geile Trauung, nach Art des Pinselmannes, mit. Der Hochzeitstag soll schon immer der schönste Tag im Leben jeder Frau sein. Dieser war es bestimmt.
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Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 3 months ago
At the time this film was produced, many production companies were switching to video tape. The result was that a lot of 16mm equipment was readily available and could be gotten by the company film crews who then shot stuff like this on their own time. I wonder since the picture resolution was really good compared to most 8mm. The lighting and camera work all looked professional. Film was later transferred to 8mm for distribution since many people still watched a lot of 8mm stuff on their projectors at home. Just a thought.

Plot was clever. The painter lucked into a golden opportunity for sex by being a priest available for the couple to wed. The bride being pure and inexperienced needed education in how to please her man and the pleasure sex would bring to her. Who better than the guy who just sanctioned and blessed the holy union? Cute story of subterfuge and getting away with it. I liked it. Someone should pick up on this and use it in a current film.

Side note. Many marriage licenses/certificates are titled in Latin. Translated the Latin reads as "Permission to Fuck". Just a crazy thing that I know.
By AllClassic.Porn - 3 months ago
Thanks for your interesting comment!
By bw1521 - 10 months ago
Der erste Porno, den ich je gesehen habe. Die Cassette war im Kleiderschrank meiner Eltern versteckt.
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