Dirty 30's - American Antique porn Compilation - (1930)

Views: 42 537
Description: Beautiful broads of the 1930s get down and dirty in this vintage classic. A must-have for your vintage porn collection!
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Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 2 months ago
A lot of people don't like watching this old vintage stuff because the picture resolution is often very poor. I like watching it because it was performed by a lot of enthusiastic amateurs. The woman are beautiful and hot. Unscripted.

Interesting that the last piece of music played on the harp was featured in the movie "Zulu" about the Boer Wars. The vastly outnumbered Welshmen sang this song in retort to the chants made by the Zulu tribesmen between attacks. Psychological warfare at it's best.
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