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Private Teacher - (1983)

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Description: Sometimes a Little Private Instruction is All You Need to Make the Grade!
Jimmy is a horny high school guy who spends all of his time spying on his kinky neighbors with a telescope. Worried, his aunt hires a sexy private teacher to help bring him out of his shell. After a few private lessons Jimmy gets a firm grip on his own sexuality. And so do the girls next door!

Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Joanna Storm, Laurie Smith, Paul Thomas
Scene 2. Tom Byron
Scene 3. Joanna Storm, Laurie Smith
Scene 4. Honey Wilder, Eric Edwards
Scene 5. Honey Wilder
Scene 6. Joanna Storm, Laurie Smith, Blair Harris, Marc Wallice
Scene 7. Kay Parker, Tom Byron
Scene 8. Honey Wilder, Eric Edwards
Scene 9. Joanna Storm, Tom Byron
Scene 10. Honey Wilder, Janey Robbins, Tom Byron
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By Anonymous - 4 months ago