Jeux de langues / Sex Maniacs 2, Full movie (1977)

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Description: AKA: Couples voyeurs & fesseurs
The well-known morbidity of voyeurism is what Maestro Leroi wanted to convey with Jeux de Langues (AKA Couples Voyeurs et Fesseurs). For all of us who like this concept for its own sake, we must add the BDSM scenes that, without being especially harsh or "professional", will fulfill the desires of a few of us.

The performances are weak, and the sexual numbers are erratic and poorly prepared, with absurd conversations in hasty contexts and without much meaning. But in the end, all that doesn't matter, because Monique Ciron, a secondary diva of French adult cinema, is shown in all her splendor.

That said, fetishism comes together here when Hélène and Henri become casual witnesses of the depraved acts of their neighbors across the street. They decide to borrow a camera and proceed to record everything live. Right until the targets realize their exposure, and invite the couple to take part in their games, in a final scene as boring as it is cliché. But until they get here, the tasty couple, fed up with their sexual routine, has already been doing dirty things with randomly selected couples in the countryside without any predisposition or explanation. The script is therefore weak and inconsistent, but definitely sexual.

There are credits in the German/Italian version, but they match none of the people recognized: Laura Martinelli, Sonja Hansen, Silvie Boucher, Marc Legrand, Burt Jackson, Dino Facetti, or Hugo Ferra.

A couple (Guy Royer and Ursula White as a brunette) are having sex. She is bored and when he finishes she goes to the window and looks into the apartment opposite. There a middle-aged couple (Willy Braque and Emmanuelle Parèze) are punishing a teenage girl (au pair?, niece, daughter? anyway played by Lisa Stophenberg). This turns on the wife and she gets out her camera and calls her husband. Later they get a film camera and film more kinky sex in the opposite apartment. They then continue their voyeuristic activities in the woods and find two men and a woman at it in a limousine. The woman is Elisabeth Buré and one of the men is John Oury. He gets out of the car and invites them to take a closer look and then to come back to his apartment for a swinging party. Later, in the apartment opposite that of the Guy Royer and his wife, the other couple find the girl in bed with her boyfriend and the man punishes her while the woman goes at the boyfriend, etc., etc.

These activities continue, but all the while someone is watching the watchers and the second couple come to Guy's apartment. Hostility then turns to randiness as they all spy on the girl with her boyfriend and then go across for an orgy.

The Mike Hunter releases Sex Maniacs 1, 2 and 3 are unrelated to each other except by title. Sex Maniacs, is essentially a Lasse Braun film, Sex Maniacs 2 is a French film by Francis Leroi called Jeux de langues - and Sex Maniacs 3 is an American film.
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By HornyMe - 6 months ago
The voyeurism as a guilty pleasure was... not too shabby. The mass fuck scenes... not too shabby. A lot of missed opportunities to - either - make it harder (the bdsm) or randier (the mass scenes lacked dp-s, double blow jobs and the like) or a combination of both. But all in all? Not too shabby! Just above D grade (German: a 5 plus; European: 6 minus). uses cookies. To know more, read our Cookies policy. Find out more