Tabu Film 126: Family Affair - (1979)

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Description: You will watch here a vintage porn movie with the title "Tabu Film 126: Family Affair". It's 19:54 long and was posted on our site on 2024-12-12 20:22:00. The movie was filmed in Germany in the German language by Tabu Film in 1979. You will stream it on your smartphone or view this movie online for free.
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By uncledstop - 5 days ago
If It's could have a sex maid I wouldn't have this Charles Barkley looking precursor to Michelle Obama! I would rather have me a good looking southern bitch as white as minute rice on a paper plate in a snowstorm!Roll Tide!You cousin fuckin' Yankee doodle Democrats!Yee Haw!
Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 1 month ago
Trivia: Alabama is known as "The Yellow Hammer State" based on bird of that name.

But the expression "They are a bunch of Yellow Hammers" is also used as a label applied to a family with heavy incestuous behavior. There was a rural town southwest of Metropolitan Chicago that supposedly was loaded with such families decades ago. The town was a popular place for "white" people from Mississippi and Alabama to settle after moving "up North" during the Great Depression. Whether the label was applied due to prejudice against "Rebels" (Southerners) or based on truth, it stuck for about 50 years. "Black" people ftom the South settled in Chicago, Detroit, or Milwaukee away from the "Southern Crackers" in the rural towns. A legacy of slavery in the USA and the Civil War that lingered on post war. Incest played a part of this story.
By Anonymous - 3 months ago
Wow! What a family!
Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 1 month ago
Oh, I agree on that! What a family! uses cookies. To know more, read our Cookies policy. Find out more