Les Chic, Full movie (1972)

Views: 6 711
Description: A look at the life of Les Chic, a "groovy" San Francisco gigolo, as he engages in various sex acts with a variety of women.
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Rene Bond, Rick Lutze
Scene 2. Linda York, Sandi Carey, Rick Lutze
Scene 3. Rene Bond, Rick Lutze
Scene 4. Linda York, Sandi Carey, Rick Lutze
Burdened with the usual asinine narration that is his trademark, LES CHIC represents a typical porn film from fetishist Nick Millard, notable for his treatment of the frequently paired team of Rene Bond and Ric Lutze. It's strictly for folks on Nick's wavelength.

Preening in clearly effeminate jumpsuits and wearing his usual dog collar, Lutze plays the title character, wandering the streets of S.F., and servicing both g.f. Rene and a couple of lesbians, ably played by Linda York and Sandy Carey. The troilism scenes featuring Carey, York and Lutze are featured again in Nick's abysmal compilation film SEX(O) WEIRDO, issued anonymously and without fanfare by Something Weird (currently available on DVD-R).

The sex is hardcore at times and the patent leather boots and flashy femme outfits Nick prefers are on display. A body painting scene of Rene goes nowhere.

Filming is the usual Nick MOS, plus some poorly dubbed and exaggerated moaning and groaning effects. Nick's photography remains his strongest suit, giving porn fans a good, sharp look at their objects of desire. It's an okay package if pointlessness, overdubbed with pompous "significance" in the narration, is your thing.
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