Rosemarie's Schleckerland - Frühstück bei Fickany's (1978)

Views: 35 853
Description: AKA: For Members Only [USA], Sexhuis Rosemarie (Netherlands), De oanständiga läckerbitarna (Sweden)
When Felix Rammler's business trip is canceled, he decides to spend his time visiting every whorehouse in Munich. Unfortunately for him, his wife is visiting one run by her best friend, Rosemarie.
Scene Breakdowns:
Scene 1. Johanna Ebertseder, Petra Abstein, Mario Pollak, Sepp Gneissl
Scene 2. Karin Hofmann, Rainer Hauselmayer, Sascha Atzenbeck
Scene 3. Barby Schoffmann
Scene 4. Irene Falcke, guy
Scene 5. Irene Falcke, Margitta Hofer, Sepp Gneissl
Scene 6. Barby Schoffmann, Karin Hofmann
Scene 7. Irene Falcke, Sepp Gneissl
Scene 8. Margitta Hofer, Ferry Sala
Scene 10. Barby Schoffmann, Karin Hofmann
Scene 13. Mario Pollak
Scene 14. Barby Schoffmann, Karin Hofmann, Sepp Gneissl
Scene 15. Karin Hofmann, Sepp Gneissl
Felix Rammler (Sepp Gneissl with some unconvincing gray spray paint in his hair) thinks he's off to Istanbul for three weeks, leaving his wife Susi bitterly alone. When his boss informs him the five-day trip has been postponed, Felix is unsure how to spend his time in Munich. Luckily Taxi driver Tony Bock walks into the frame and claims to know all the dirtiest dives and holes in town. He sets Felix up in a hotel/brothel called Pension Paradies, where the chambermaids are included in the price.

Bock und Rammler then set off on a so-called 'Spritz tour'. The first stop is the apartment of Roberta, who is just about to play a game with her girlfriends Jane and Maya and Alphonse (a former fare of Tony's). This guessing game centers around the men having to guess which naughty part belongs to which lady (their regular parts being covered by a specially constructed screen). When the men fail to collect any points, there follows a silly wanking routine to decide which one has first dibs on the women.

Meanwhile, Fellix's spouse Susi is bored, lonely and unable to fall asleep, so she calls her old friend Rosemary who now runs a private club and does not mind taking calls while servicing two men simultaneously. Susi gets so excited she decides to visit Rosemary the next day. Late at night Herr Rammler returns to his hotel to find a his personal maid waiting for him and insisting on pleasuring him even though he is already completely exhausted. Susi arrives at Rosemaries Schleckerland the next day and is surprised to find everybody sound asleep at 11 o'clock. Rosemarie wants Susi to join her in bed.

Up till now, the movie has seemed to be played strictly for laughs and even the sex scenes were more laughable than arousing. But when it gets to the point where the girls at Rammler's hotel are serving lunch and producing sugar cubes from orifices where the sun don't shine it starts to get rather disgusting. Three customers arrive at Schleckerland and all available women girls (Susi included) get down to work. One of the guys even takes a Gummi-Shwanz up the can from Rosemarie. When that's all over, Tony and Felix, fresh from a peep-show arrive at Rosemarie's club (along with an unidentified third customer), but Felix fails to recognize his wife (disguised by a wig) until it's too late.

The Rammler's finally come to a compromise after both have had every other person of the opposite sex present in the establishment. As usual with these Hans Billian Klasikers, there are few attractive people. This wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so much silly humor and disgusting bodily functions. However, if you're into this kind of thing, this Schleckerland is just the place to visit.
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