You are searching for: "barbara dare lesbian"

In this section we suggest your attention the most lewd retro porn about barbara dare lesbian. Every video you can download on your smartphone in high quality.

Blame it on Ginger 82% 44365 1:33:54
Blame it on Ginger, Full length movie (1986)
Aerobisex Girls 2 82% 11727 1:28:44
Aerobisex Girls 2, Full (1995)
Debbie Goes To College 78% 19213 1:14:45
Debbie Goes To College, Uncut (1986)
Debbie Does 'Em All 3 69% 11151 1:19:31
Debbie Does 'Em All 3, Full movie (1990)
Bratgirl 76% 60197 1:08:02
Bratgirl, Uncut (1989)
A Dirty Western 73% 204034 1:11:35
A Dirty Western (1975)
Lilith Unleashed 90% 5306 1:23:43
Lilith Unleashed, Uncensored (1985)
Vintage Lesbos (Historic Lesbian) 82% 33872 46:15
Vintage Lesbos (Historic Lesbian) - (1970)
Karleksvirveln 77% 37593 1:20:27
Karleksvirveln, Full (1977)
The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann 72% 60476 1:15:13
The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann, Uncut (1974)
Behind The Ate Ball, Part 1 and 2 (Barbara Barton) - Swedish Erotica #SE015 83% 23007 6:00
Behind The Ate Ball, Part 1 and 2 (Barbara Barton) - Swedish Erotica #SE015 - (1974)
Golden Girls loop #160: Tit Lover (Blake Palmer, Barbara Alton) 90% 8798 7:48
Golden Girls loop #160: Tit Lover (Blake Palmer, Barbara Alton) - (1980)
Water Power 77% 30371 1:21:11
Water Power, Uncut (1977)
Viens, j'ai pas de culotte / Come... I Don't Wear Panties! 69% 17868 1:17:23
Viens, j'ai pas de culotte / Come... I Don't Wear Panties!, Full movie (1982)
Gamines en chaleur / Girls in Heat 87% 25315 1:17:13
Gamines en chaleur / Girls in Heat, Uncut (1979)
Color Climax - Bestsellers #238 76% 58053 51:20
Color Climax - Bestsellers #238 - (1980)
Garters And lace 80% 15902 1:10:58
Garters And lace, Full length movie (1980)
Barbara Broadcast 79% 274148 1:22:20
Barbara Broadcast, Full length movie (1977)
Collection Film 075: House Humping 85% 2083 9:01
Collection Film 075: House Humping - (1979)
Entrez vite, je mouille! 80% 39072 1:16:42
Entrez vite, je mouille!, Full length movie (1979)
Color Climax: Exciting 511 74% 38995 50:57
Color Climax: Exciting 511 - (1986)
Expo Film 096: Lesbian Thai Maid 77% 5584 8:25
Expo Film 096: Lesbian Thai Maid - (1977)
Grand Prixxx 83% 21287 1:38:43
Grand Prixxx, Full length movie (1987)
Ekstasen, Madchen und Millionen / Pleasure So Deep 84% 70910 1:33:50
Ekstasen, Madchen und Millionen / Pleasure So Deep (1979)
Wara 06: Strapsy-Sisters 82% 9312 20:34
Wara 06: Strapsy-Sisters - (1978)
Introducing Tracey Wynn 87% 17022 1:18:06
Introducing Tracey Wynn, Uncut (1991)
Truth Or Dare 79% 32798 1:03:48
Truth Or Dare, Full Uncut (1992)
Beyond Fulfillment 82% 20128 1:07:21
Beyond Fulfillment, Full length movie (1974)
Rare Lesbian Antique CC loop #22 77% 9626 9:23
Rare Lesbian Antique CC loop #22 - (1960)
Old + young homemade lesbian video 85% 23573 12:49
Old + young homemade lesbian video - (1990)
Expo Film 091: Lesbian Memories 83% 4782 8:03
Expo Film 091: Lesbian Memories - (1977)
Expo Film 143: Lesbian Studio 83% 2749 13:43
Expo Film 143: Lesbian Studio - (1983)
Classmates 2 (Lesbian loops from Club Seventeen) 79% 69674 1:30:13
Classmates 2 (Lesbian loops from Club Seventeen) - (1990)
Lesbian Climax (Master Film #1816) 86% 10461 8:15
Lesbian Climax (Master Film #1816) - (1980)
Lesbian Climax (Master Film #1744) 84% 7702 8:27
Lesbian Climax (Master Film #1744) - (1980)
Lesbian Sexplay (Master Film #1736) 83% 4913 8:23
Lesbian Sexplay (Master Film #1736) - (1980)
Danish schoolgirls #6 (19 full loops) 77% 220600 2:51:30
Danish schoolgirls #6 (19 full loops) - (1970)
Little Girls Blue 2 75% 61392 1:20:29
Little Girls Blue 2, Uncut Movie (1983)
Lesbian Dreams. From Color Climax Collection, scene 53 80% 23623 6:09
Lesbian Dreams. From Color Climax Collection, scene 53 - (1970)
Exciting Video # 524, Part 6: Lesbian Love Party 86% 16374 8:52
Exciting Video # 524, Part 6: Lesbian Love Party - (1983)
Wara 26: Gestochene Lesben 90% 4493 19:33
Wara 26: Gestochene Lesben - (1981)
Golden Girls loop #035: Lesbian Love (Linda Shaw, Cara Lott) 90% 3590 8:13
Golden Girls loop #035: Lesbian Love (Linda Shaw, Cara Lott) - (1980)
Wara 53: Strapsen Muffel 75% 2989 14:07
Wara 53: Strapsen Muffel - (1981)
The Double Exposure Of Holly 84% 18120 1:14:51
The Double Exposure Of Holly, Full movie (1976)
Taboo III: The Final Chapter 73% 180898 1:33:17
Taboo III: The Final Chapter, Full movie (1984)
Wara 01: Ein Lesbenstich im Bums-Motel 73% 18615 14:49
Wara 01: Ein Lesbenstich im Bums-Motel - (1978)
Teenage Bestsellers #254 74% 18751 54:08
Teenage Bestsellers #254 - (1987)
Expo Film 069: Wild Desire 84% 4188 5:46
Expo Film 069: Wild Desire - (1975)
Die Beichte der Josefine Mutzenbacher / The Confession of Josefine Mutzenbacher 78% 103308 1:15:01
Die Beichte der Josefine Mutzenbacher / The Confession of Josefine Mutzenbacher, Uncensored (1979)
Captain Lust and the Pirate Women 77% 30744 1:18:26
Captain Lust and the Pirate Women, Uncut (1977)
8mm: Sexeck − Tabu Film #18 80% 15657 10:25
8mm: Sexeck − Tabu Film #18 - (1975)
Behind The Green Door 71% 359216 1:12:25
Behind The Green Door, Full length movie (1972)
SexOrgy programme #830 86% 25900 50:56
SexOrgy programme #830 - (1989)
The Trouble With Young Stuff 82% 43562 1:35:40
The Trouble With Young Stuff, Full movie (1977)
Danish Hardcore #103 81% 28038 56:32
Danish Hardcore #103 - (1970)
Suzy's Birthday Bang 87% 6273 1:08:48
Suzy's Birthday Bang, Uncut Movie (1984)
Color Climax - Sexorgy #829 83% 37844 55:22
Color Climax - Sexorgy #829
Amazing Dr. Jekyll 83% 5529 1:15:01
Amazing Dr. Jekyll, Full movie (1975)
Girls U.S.A. 72% 30613 56:24
Girls U.S.A., Uncut Movie (1980)
Tabu Film Fortuna #3: Damentroster 71% 795 8:17
Tabu Film Fortuna #3: Damentroster - (1980) uses cookies. To know more, read our Cookies policy. Find out more