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A Dirty Western (1975)

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Description: A gang of escaped convicts spreads their pent-up lust all over the Old West. It feels so good to get back in the saddle again! Meanwhile, back at the ranch, kidnapping, and crime lead to lust in the dust as the posse closes in on a spectacular orgy and unloads their big guns into some firm young fillies!
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Barbara Bourbon, Richard O'Neal
Scene 2. Barbara Bourbon, Dick Payne
Scene 3. Barbara Bourbon, Levi Richards, Vern Rossi
Scene 4. Gloria Hope, Levi Richards
Scene 5. Barbara Bourbon, Vern Rossi
Scene 6. Gloria Hope, April Grant, Starlyn Simone, Dick Payne, Levi Richards, Vern Rossi
Scene 7. Gloria Hope, Dick Payne
Scene 8. Gloria Hope, April Grant, Starlyn Simone, Dick Payne, Levi Richards, Vern Rossi
Scene 9. April Grant, Levi Richards
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By Modestmo - 3 months ago
Pretty damn good acting actually! Some much bush I thought I had a short curly stuck between my front teeth and I can almost smell the sex knowing hygiene wasn't a high priority! Fun flick overall.
By Mofaiya - 5 months ago
Just love the bush on some of as fuck
By Anonymous - 7 months ago