Laces & Spice Desiree Cousteau - Swedish Erotica #SE216 - (1978)

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Description: You will rejoice here the vintage video with the title "Laces & Spice Desiree Cousteau - Swedish Erotica #SE216". It's 9:33 long and was posted on on 2024-01-29 05:12:33. The film was filmed in Sweden in English language by Swedish Erotica in 1978. You can easily stream it on any device you have or view this movie online for free.
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Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 2 months ago
Nothing more classic than John "Johnny Wad" Holmes and Desiree Cousteau doing a scene together. Boogie Nights! Gigi66, I can relate. We had an earlier release on VHS. As much as you relate to Holmes, I relate to watching Desiree. I was in LOVE with her. I am guessing that you (female?) were in your teens when you watched your dad's copy.
By Gigi66 - 10 months ago
My dad had this on a beta max tape, 1980s.
When he would be away for a few days, I would lock myself his room and watch John Holmes fuck. I'd fap and cum so hard. What a cock! uses cookies. To know more, read our Cookies policy. Find out more