Sex Maniacs #1 - (1977)

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Description: In the late 1970s Lasse Braun made a number of shorts in the UK. These were put together, with linking sequences using the same performers, into a single film released by Mike Hunter.

A group of women sit in a room and reminisce about their experiences. The linking sequences involve these women and a couple who are seen having sex before they leave their apartment and go to the club where the other women are reminiscing.

The performers all seem to be British, or British-based at the time in the case of Sonia Svenburger, and because of the repressive legal situation with regard to porn in Britain at the time, most of them are likely to remain for ever anonymous.

The Mike Hunter releases Sex Maniacs 1, 2 and 3 are unrelated to each other except by title. Sex Maniacs is essentially a Lasse Braun film, Sex Maniacs 2 is a French film by Francis Leroi called Jeux de langues and Sex Maniacs 3 is an American film.

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