Disco Lady, Full movie (1978)

Views: 28 732
Description: Lust and revenge at the disco.
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Robin Savage, Rick Lutze
Scene 2. Rhonda Jo Petty, Stormy Simons
Scene 3. Tiffany Ladd, Rick Lutze
Scene 4. Robin Savage, Mike Ranger
Scene 5. Ming Jade, Robert Rose
It's New Year's Eve, and all of the cool people are heading to the Disco Lady club, where there is plenty of alcohol, sex and revenge.

Bob Chinn's DISCO LADY isn't the greatest adult movie that you're ever going to watch but it's certainly entertaining enough to where you should be able to have a good time with it. A lot of familiar faces show up throughout the film including Ric Lutze who has a couple of scenes with Robin Savage.

There's really no plot to this film as we simply get a variety of people showing up at the club and having sex. The sex scenes are all well-filmed for the most part and at just 58-minutes the movie is pretty much over as quickly as it started. I won't reveal the ending but it's an interesting one and not one you'll see coming.

For me, the biggest catch here is seeing Rene Bond in what was probably her last filmed sequence. TEENAGE FANTASIES II was released three years after this one, but I'm guessing her scenes for that were filmed much earlier. Bond doesn't get credit here or does she get any dialogue, appear naked or have a sex scene. Instead, she's just one of the ladies out on the floor dancing.
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