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Blue Vanities #226 - Peepshow Loops - (1970)

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Views: 5 694
Description: This is a collection of 12 rare American loops:
1. San Francisco 211 - Sock It To Me
2. San Francisco 219 - Happy New Year
3. San Francisco 234 - The Salesman
4. San Francisco 236 - Little Girl
5. San Francisco 240 - Licking Good
6. San Francisco 265 - Shaft
7. San Francisco 272 - Cinderella Liberty
8. San Francisco 275 - Golden Girl
9. Teenage Pussy 1 - Coca Cola Girl
10. Teenage Pussy 2 - Big Tits
11. Teenage Pussy - Teenage Cocksucker
12. Teenage Pussy 4 - Baby Face
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