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Blue Vanities #324 - Peepshow Loops - (1970)

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Views: 5 708
Description: This is a collection of 12 rare loops from the 70s:
1. Libra 6 - Balling Jack
2. Libra 3 - Sue And Friends
3. Libra 11 - Bouncing Pussy
4. Libra 7 - Natures Act
5. Libra 14 - Office Relations Pt1
6. Unknown - A Shot For Two
7. Dirty Movies - Girls School
8. Swedish Erotica 3 - School Girl
9. Swedish Erotica 9 - Lusty Neighbor
10. Unknown (as FU3) - Hot Robbers
11. Unknown - Baker's Orgy
12. Unknown - Psychiatrist
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