Lips, Full movie (1981)

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Description: AkA: Passage To Pleasure
Various couples go to a holiday camp designed to help out with their sexual problems.
Scene Breakdowns

Scene 1. Lily Rodgers, guy
Scene 2. Vanessa del Rio, Billy Dee, Paul Thomas
Scene 3. Pipi Anderson, Herschel Savage
Scene 4. Kathy Harcourt, Tigr
Scene 5. Ron Jeremy
Scene 6. Brooke West, Ron Jeremy
Scene 7. Tigr, Ron Jeremy
Scene 8. Tigr, Reggie Gunn
Scene 9. Brooke West, Herschel Savage
Scene 10. Kathy Harcourt, Lisa De Leeuw, Paul Thomas
Scene 11. Kathy Harcourt, Ron Jeremy
I thought this was about oral sex. But it wasn't. Ron Jeremy as John is having problems, his wife played by Kathy, played by Kathy Harcourt, won't make love to him anymore. Her oral sex is disgusting. He tells her that this can't go on anymore and suggest they go to this special doctor. Then you see this scene at the home of D. R. Williams, played by John Ogden. Telling patient Hershel Savage that there is nothing wrong with his wife Linda, played by Brooke West, sexually. Their problem comes from stress. D. r. suggests they go to a couples retreat that owned by another doctor, D. r Jim Matlock, played by the always ready Paul Thomas, who was in Jesus Christ Superstar. Then Tiger, aka Chelsea Manchester, is the assistant carpenter Arlene of Skip, played by probably a screen actors guild actor, Reggie Gunn, who keeps making passes at her but she's not interested. Vanessa Delrio and Billy Dee are overcoming their sexual inhibitions with the aid of D. r Matlock, discovering the joys of frontal and anal with Billy Dee and Paul Thomas. As Kathy keeps shrugging off Hershel. He decides to take a look at the place. He meets a jogger down the road, Heidi, played by Pipi Anderson. When they go to her place, at the retreat, Talking about his sex problems leads to a hot tryst of their own on the coffee table. While Ron is bird hunting, his wife, Kathy, meets Arlene. Then Kathy discovers why she hated sex, she prefers women. Then Rome Jeremy comes back from his bird hunting to discover what is wife is doing through the windows, only to discover that he can satisfy his own orally. Brook shows up, finds it disgusting, then helps out, then quickly changes her mind just because she is married. Ron confronts both women and does it with Tiger, as Kathy is getting Horny for him. This led to the couple's cure. Now back at the carpenter shop, Tiger now has the hots for Skip, but it turns out that his anticipation leads him to not being able to get it up. Typical of screen actors guild technique. Then Paul Thomas introduces Lisa Deleuw to Kathy, which leads to a hot threesome between both women and Paul. After that Kathy is cured and she surprises Hershel. This movie was very entertaining as well as a turn-on. Made at the time shot on film and adult theaters were shrinking, and Beta was dying out for v. h. s. Possibly available from v. c. x and Adult planet D. v. d.
Kathy is not attracted to her husband, John anymore, and Linda can't get horny for her husband Neil, who happens to work as a women's lingerie salesman. Psychologist Dr. William sends Linda and Neil to Dr. Jim Matlock, a sexologist who runs a quaint forest ranch that serves as a safe place for impotent and frigid couples to spend their weekend hideaways and give in to any sexual desires they have. John and Kathy join them there as well as Stephen and Maria, another couple that's dealing with frigidity. Jim's gorgeous platinum-blond neighbor, Heidi seduces Neil. Jim spikes Stephen and Maria's drinks for a threesome. Meanwhile, in the nearby carpenter shop Skip, the owner, and his tomboy assistant Arlene have a fight after Skip once again hits on Arlene and she once again angrily refuses his advances. She leaves in anger, runs into Kathy, and immediately seduces her. John, who went bird watching, catches them in the act, which makes him so horny he starts giving himself a blow job. Linda sees ...
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Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 3 months ago
How a film can be an example of the best and worst of porn at the same time is beyond me.
If you like sex running into more sex, then this film is for you. It takes NO intelligence since there is NO plot. The film is loaded with sexually oddities and novelties which makes it crazy to watch not knowing what to expect. Visual evidence that "Yes, Ron Jeremy could go down on himself." was true at about 35 to 36 minutes in. Otherwise, this was not a very good film. Won't give you the answer to the meaning of life if that is what you seek.
Sax you Al
By Sax you Al - 12 months ago
Love the double dildo scene with Ron Jeremy sucking his cock would like to see him suck it longer
By Ilovecarlscum - 6 months ago
And a good cumshot around 40 min mark uses cookies. To know more, read our Cookies policy. Find out more