Positions Danoises / Danish Positions, Full length movie (1977)

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Description: Mirna is learning a script when Willy (in pilot's uniform) arrives home. They have sex and go off in his car. Maude and Charlie arrive and get in the house by the back door. They are having sex when another couple arrives looking for the manuscript but ends up also having sex. When Maude and Charlie are discovered trying to sneak out, it turns into a foursome. Mika and her partner arrive with similar results, then along comes a redhead in a white transparent body stocking and cat burglar mask, and she begins to search for the manuscript as well. Charlie catches her, and she, too, is drawn into the orgy. Then the first couple comes back and catches them all at it.
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Lisa Stophenberg, Willy Braque
Scene 2. Maude Carolle, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 3. Marie-Line Chanaud, Jean-Claude Bertin
Scene 4. Maude Carolle, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 5. Mika Barthel, Gerald Delaire
Scene 6. Mika Barthel, Jean-Claude Bertin
Scene 7. Nadine Scant, Gerald Delaire
Scene 8. Marie-Line Chanaud, Maude Carolle
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Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 2 months ago
When the French film a "sex romp", they really do it all out and in style. Even though the color of the drapes did not match the carpet, Maude's pixie haircut was cute and appealing.
I would have loved to do any of these women, but Maude really sticks in my mind. By the way, I once owned a car just like the one in this film. The end made no sense. Where are the two women going in the nude? The music was not annoying, but actually classy. Calypso beats, muted horns and wood winds, accordion, soft piano, wow! Fun film to watch. Light, easy, breezy entertainment.
By Anonymous - 4 months ago
Not bad.
By JAG - 1 year ago
Good tour of the garden to start!
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