(soft) I Jungfruns Tecken, Full (1973)

Views: 57 114
Description: AKA  I jomfruens tegn / Chaleurs Danoises 
The impending approach of Venus - known to cause "disturbing erotic behavior" - sends two men with very different missions to the town of Petit-Bois. One to save the schoolgirls from lust, the other to test a new aphrodisiac. Chaos ensues.
Other aficionados have left way more detailed reviews than mine, so you should refer to them for in-depth reviews. The majority of them are truly amazing analyses, probably among the best I've ever seen on IMDB.

While I won't go into as much detail about Danish cinema and it's erotic/porn counterpart as others have, I would highly recommend this film for the virtue of being really well-shot and for presenting the erotic shots in a way that feels natural, free and unburdened from over-acting actors.

Similar 70s films have equally ridiculous plots, which are always fun to watch, but some films really shine in the way they were shot and for skipping the typical "script" of how sexual encounters go.

This movie was simply a feast for the eyes, very pleasant to follow (even though some scenes are way too long, without any reason for them being so), so If you're interested in similar films, definitely watch this.
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