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On Trial 3: Takin' It To The Jury - (1992)

Views: 14 337
Description: The case that was presented in Part 1 and Trial 2 is now in the hands of the jury. As they deliberate on the merits of each scene and try to determine if its contents are obscene, the jurors' points are illustrated by fantasy sequences (involving themselves), and flashbacks from the movie.
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Racquel Darrian
Scene 2. Savannah
Scene 3. Savannah, Woody Long
Scene 4. P.J. Sparxx, Scott Irish
Scene 5. Kym Wilde, Racquel Darrian, Derek Lane
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By Allaboutclassics - 1 year ago
Help!!......somebody stole all the pixels outta dis bitch lol
By walker - 1 year ago
Fantastic film