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Hot Summer in the City, Full Uncut (1976)

79% ( / 15)
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Description: A gang of black militants kidnap a white virgin, hold her hostage and ravish her.
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Linda Hoffman, Bill Murphy, Don Timens
Scene 2. Lisa Baker, Duke Johnson
Scene 3. Lisa Baker, Coke Cain, Shorty Roberts
Scene 4. Black Orchid, Stitch Umbas
Scene 5. Black Orchid, Shorty Roberts
Scene 6. Lisa Baker, Duke Johnson
Scene 7. Lisa Baker, Stitch Umbas
Virginal, god-fearing beauty Debby (Lisa Baker) returns home after a date with her fiancé to discover her mother engaged in a three way. Understandably shocked, Lisa flees into the night, only to be kidnapped by a gang of black militants who make her their sex slave.

With its retro soundtrack, impressive 70s poster art, cool blaxploitation trappings, stunning female lead, gritty audio and grainy video, and explosive violence—and especially considering its overall obscurity—its not difficult to understand how QT would go gaga for Hot Summer In The City, but to be honest, the film really isn't deserving of such high praise: the envelope isn't pushed far enough to satisfy roughie addicts, and I imagine that most exploitation fans will soon get bored by the endless nookie and lack of retribution (I was hoping and praying that Debby would eventually get all 'One-Eye' on her captors; instead, she happily accepts her role as honky ho).
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