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Blue Vanities #404 - Peepshow Loops 404 - (1970)

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Description: This is a collection of 10 rare Danish and American loops (1970s) as follows:
1. Lasse Braun 357 - Tit Dreams
2. Continental Classics 9 - The Lost Key
3. Lasse Braun 103 - Sexofrenia
4. Lasse Braun 106 - Young Exhibitionists
5. Lasse Braun 105 - Ice Cream
6. Lasse Braun 332 - A Matter Of Desire
7. Master Film 1761 - Sperm Lover
8. Danish Films 2004 - Pick Up
9. Euro Film 510 - Special Service
10. Original Films 6 - Have Mattress Will Travel
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