Candy's Candy / Candice Candy - (1975)

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Description: Sylvia Bourdon (Candcie) is a magazine editor who discusses sex freely but is frigid. Her sister, Candy, is Beatrice Harnois, who is far from frigid. Her secretary, Odile, is played by Liliane Lemieuvre. Bikers Richard Lemievre and Marc, a performer in stag film loops (Patrick Lynonnet) also seem to work for her, along with Anita (Martine Grimaud), a blonde (France Quenie), a brunette (called Martine, Karine), and a black girl, Claudine (Jocelyne Clairis, probably credited as Joyce Martin). A cute brunette (Chantal Fourquet) is Florence, a friend of Beatrice Harnois. Gabriel Pontello is a doctor who examines Beatrice and whom she lusts after.
After a brief scene with a young man before the credits, Beatrice Harnois has a b/g scene with Richard Lemieuvre. The following is then interspersed amongst editorial discussions at the magazine and discussions of Candice's frigity among her staff. Liliane Lemievre has a b/g scene with Richard Lemieuvre while watching Marc's porn home movie (brunette in bath and b/g). Candy (Beatrice) meets Marc coming out of Florence's apartment complaining that she is frigid. Candy comforts Claudine and seduces her into a g/g with session. Martine Gimaud and the blonde (France Quenie) are lesbian lovers and Martine is jealous of her lover and Marc, but they have a g/g session and Marc joins in, turning on Martine to men.

Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Beatrice Harnois, Michel Dauba
Scene 2. Beatrice Harnois, Richard Allan
Scene 3. Martine Flety, Patrick Lyonnet
Scene 4. Liliane Lemieuvre, Richard Allan
Scene 5. Beatrice Harnois, Chantal Fourquet
Scene 6. France Quenie, Martine Grimaud, Patrick Lyonnet
Scene 7. Beatrice Harnois
Scene 8. Beatrice Harnois, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 9. Marie-Jose Pontello, Martine Grimaud, Cyril Val
Scene 10. France Quenie, Jocelyne Clairis, Martine Grimaud, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 11. Beatrice Harnois, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 12. Beatrice Harnois, Chantal Fourquet, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 13. Martine Grimaud, Cyril Val
Scene 14. Sylvia Bourdon, Gilbert Servien, guy, Jacques Insermini
Scene 15. Beatrice Harnois, Richard Allan
Scene 16. France Quenie, Jocelyne Clairis, Martine Flety, Patrick Lyonnet
Scene 17. Sylvia Bourdon, Patrick Lyonnet
Scene 18. France Quenie, Jocelyne Clairis, Martine Flety
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Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 3 months ago
Film has wall to wall sex, but little plot.
Examines a woman's sexually frigid hang ups. Only the French could put out this "yawn" movie aimed at the USA market. I doubt that it was a porn house blockbuster in theaters.
It might appeal to a psychology major.
By Anonymous - 1 year ago
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