Breaking It... A Story About Virgins - (1984)

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Description: A narrator shows the first sexual experience of various people, from a teenage boy's encounter with an older woman to a high school student's seduction of her teacher.
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Bunny Bleu, Shone Taylor
Scene 2. Marguerite Nuit, Jamie Gillis
Scene 3. Heather Thomas, Rikki Blake, Susan Hart, Peter North
Scene 4. Rachel Ashley, Tom Byron
Scene 5. Roxanne Rollan, Paul Thomas
This movie was edited, and all scenes with Traci Lords were deleted.
After serving the fun Curry Western Wanted: Dead or Alive (1984- also reviewed), I decided to make things extra spicy by going for a double bill with a Golden Age of Adult films title from the same year. Searching Nodriesrespect's reviews from the year, I found a title that led to me going for a slice of sweet cherry pie.

View on the film:

Linking the tales together with a wraparound story of the narrator "Uncle" Paul (played with the right amount of creepy vibes by future Adult filmmaker Paul Thomas) getting up close with his niece, husband & wife co-writers/co-directing auteurs David I. Frazer & " Svetlana" reunite with cinematographer Gene Petrov and flick this showcase of up and "coming" starlets with soft-focus close-ups on the alluring leads, and crisp, glossy lighting bringing a touch of glamour to proceedings.

Coming in the middle of her run that would climax in taking the industry to the brink of collapse, Traci Lords gives an enthusiastic turn as high school chick Jodie, who puts John Leslie's teacher Warren under pressure to cave into her request for a lustful education. The stars of the show, Rikki Blake and Peter North, give erotic, eager performances as Cheryl and Brian, whose Lovers Lane visit soon gets hot and heavy.

Based around lad and lasses losing their innocence, the writers sweeten the theme with a welcomed thrust of Comedy into the tales, with the butter wouldn't melt in their mouth innocence being spread along them, initiating proceedings to pop cherries.
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By Fred - 1 month ago
Who's the brunette on the right in the 35:22 thumbnail?
By Anonymous - 2 months ago
Bustz dat cherry open!
Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 2 months ago
I really liked this film. The five remaining scenes left from the original film stood the test of time. There is a story being told by Paul Thomas that connects all the scenes. This film was not a mere compilation. Whoever did the casting for this film did a terrific job. The cast is ALL STARS with the best from that era doing the scenes. I did get a kick out scene 4 when the gal makes reference that the other couple went to a VAN HALEN CONCERT....... 1984 was the title of one of the band's best albums. (1984 release of this film).

The business about Traci Lords being did tear the industry apart and into a panic. Every actor or actress who did a scene with TL could be charged with statutory . The films with her in them was proof that could be used in court against performers. The industry scoured every warehouse, negative storage facility, every video store to destroy all copies of film with her in them. Also production crews and producers could be jailed for abetting the crimes. The later scandal of Mark Wallace forging his STD test results was a second blow to the porn industry in that era. Mark had done some unprotected gay porn scenes that gave him HIV infection. He infected at least three female actresses that he worked with. This second scandal led to much stricter testing and for several years all performances had to be done using condoms. There was warnings on films for about the next decade or so preaching the need for practicing safe sex. The 1980's thru the early 2000's were a trying time for the industry.

This film was made in a period of "innocence" with the overall message that sex was fun and healthy activity. Look up Dr. RUTH Show and also Dr. Drew Pinsky made his first appearances. Playboy had been conveying the same message for years. Penthouse and Maxim were major players. Even mainstream films and TV had lots of tits and ass.

THEN CAME TL SCANDAL AND HIV/AIDS SCARE. See, the study of history does not have to be dull.
By Bode - 12 months ago
Why the scenes with Traci were deleted?
By Anonymous - 6 months ago
She was 16 years old.
The Bobster
By The Bobster - 1 year ago
Much better with TL's scene.
Windy City Bob
By Windy City Bob - 2 months ago
Probably true, but she was . Even owning a tape with her scenes is a crime. Be glad they took her scenes out.
By Anonymous - 1 year ago
what a bitch she does not want to get knocked up uses cookies. To know more, read our Cookies policy. Find out more